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10th School on Astrophysics and Gravitation


The Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation (CENTRA) is organizing the 10th edition of its Summer School on Astrophysics and Gravitation, SAG10 (EAG10). The school is open to international applications and the official language of the classes is English. This prestigious summer school takes place every two years and its main objective it to encourage young talents in the pursue of knowledge in the areas of Astrophysics and Gravitation. The school is aimed at MSc students from Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering, and top undergraduate university students of the first, second, and third year in these courses.


The primary selection criterion is the course average grade, and priority will be given to students that desire to continue their studies in theses areas of research. The interest of the applicant in these areas should be mentioned in the section "General Comments and Motivation" of the application form. Applications received earlier will be given additional priority in case of a tie between candidates.


Important dates:

School: September 2 - 7 (Thursday to Tuesday), 2021
Application deadline: July 31 (Saturday) 


Organizing Committee:
José Sande Lemos (CENTRA/IST)
Ana Mourão (CENTRA/IST)

Ilídio Lopes (CENTRA/IST)
Miguel Zilhão (CENTRA/IST)


Secretariat: Mrs. Dulce Conceição  (dulce.conceicao@tecnico.ulisboa.pt)
                            Mrs. Rita Sousa   (rita.t.sousa@tecnico.ulisboa.pt


Informatic System Manager:
João Vasconcelos (CENTRA/IST)


Organization: CENTRA
Sponsors: FCT, IST, CIGeoE
Financial support: FCT Project UIBD/00099/2020




Observational Astronomy  -  Ana Mourão (CENTRA/IST)

Astrophysics of the Solar System(1)(2)(3)  -  Ilídio Lopes (CENTRA/IST)     

Astrophysics of Stars  -  Koraljka Mužić (CENTRA/FCUL)

Extragalactic Astronomy(1)(2)(3)  -  Santiago Gonzalez (CENTRA/IST)

Cosmology  -  Carlos Herdeiro (CIDMA e UAveiro)

Fundamental Interactions  -  Guilherme Milhano (LIP e IST)

Newtonian Gravitation, General Relativity, and Quantum Gravity  -  José Sande Lemos (CENTRA/IST)


Advanced Courses:
Astronomy and Astrophysics of Disks  -  Paulo Garcia (CENTRA and FEUP)

Black Holes  -  Vitor Cardoso (CENTRA/IST)
Gravitational Waves  -  David Hilditch (CENTRA/IST)
String Theory and the AdS/CFT Conjecture  -  Robertus Potting (CENTRA/UAlgarve) and Miguel Zilhão (CENTRA/IST)

Special Course:
Topological Phase Transitions  -  Pedro Ribeiro (CeFEMA/IST)

Mini Courses:
Instrumentation in Astrophysics  -  António Amorim (CENTRA/FCUL)
The Milky Way  -  André Moitinho (CENTRA/FCUL)
Celestial Mechanics and Applications -  Amaro Rica da Silva (CENTRA/IST)
Inflationary Universe  -  Jorge Rocha (CENTRA and ISCTE)
Cosmic Background Radiation  -  Javier Rubio (CENTRA/IST)
Tensors in Physics  -  Justin Feng (CENTRA/IST)

Gravitational Collapse  -  Paulo Luz (CENTRA and ISCTE)


Extra Course:
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 for Black Holes - Round Table (CENTRA/IST)



The lectures are held at amphitheater PA1 in the basement of the Mathematics Building IST.
The sessions observations at the telescope are carried out in the CIGeoE Observatory's dome. 




Preliminary Program SAG9


Thursday, September 2

08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:10 Opening Session - Profs. Ana Mourão, Ilídio Lopes, José Sande Lemos, and Miguel Zilhão from the
                                                                        Organizing Committee

09:10 - 10:00 Observational Astronomy - Ana Mourão (C)
10:00 - 10:50 Astrophysics of the Solar System - Ilídio Lopes (C)
10:50 - 11:20 Break
11:20 - 12:10 Astrophysics of Stars - Koraljka Mužić (C)
12:10 - 13:00 Extragalactic Astronomy - Santiago Gonzalez (C)

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 15:20 Cosmology - Carlos Herdeiro (C)
15:20 - 16:10 Fundamental Interactions - Guilherme Milhano (C)
16:10 - 16:40 Break
16:40 - 17:30 Newtonian Gravitation, General Relativity, and Quantum Gravity - José Sande Lemos (C)
17:30 - 18:20 Topological Phase Transitions - Pedro Ribeiro (SC)
18:20 - 21:00 Break
21:00 - 23:00 Observations at Telescope (OC)

Friday, September 3

09:10 - 10:00 Observational Astronomy - Ana Mourão (C)
10:00 - 10:50 Astrophysics of the Solar System - Ilídio Lopes (C)
10:50 - 11:20 Break
11:20 - 12:10 Astrophysics of Stars - Koraljka Mužić (C)
12:10 - 13:00 Extragalactic Astronomy - Santiago Gonzalez (C)

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 15:20 Cosmology - Carlos Herdeiro (C)
15:20 - 16:10 Fundamental Interactions - Guilherme Milhano (C)
16:10 - 16:40 Break
16:40 - 17:30 Newtonian Gravitation, General Relativity, and Quantum Gravity - José Sande Lemos (C)
17:30 - 18:20 Topological Phase Transitions - Pedro Ribeiro (SC)
18:20 - 21:00 Break
21:00 - 23:00 Observations at Telescope (OC)

Saturday, September 4

09:10 - 10:00 Observational Astronomy - Ana Mourão (C)
10:00 - 10:50 Astrophysics of the Solar System - Ilídio Lopes (C)
10:50 - 11:20 Break
11:20 - 12:10 Astrophysics of Stars - Koraljka Mužić (C)
12:10 - 13:00 Extragalactic Astronomy - Santiago Gonzalez (C)

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 15:20 Cosmology - Carlos Herdeiro (C)
15:20 - 16:10 Fundamental Interactions - Guilherme Milhano (C)
16:10 - 16:40 Break
16:40 - 17:30 Newtonian Gravitation, General Relativity, and Quantum Gravity - José Sande Lemos (C)
17:30 - 18:20 Justin Feng - Tensors in Physics (MC)
18:20 - 21:00 Break
21:00 - 23:00 Observations at Telescope (OC)

Sunday, September 5

09:10 - 21:00 Free Day

Monday, September 6

09:10 - 10:00 Astronomy and Astrophysics of Disks - Paulo Garcia (AC)
10:00 - 10:50 Instrumentation in Astrophysics - António Amorim (MC)
10:50 - 11:20 Break
11:20 - 12:10 Black Holes - Vitor Cardoso (AC)
12:10 - 13:00 Gravitational Waves - David Hilditch (AC)

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 15:20 String Theory and the AdS/CFT Conjecture - Robertus Potting (AC)
15:20 - 16:10 Cosmic Background Radiation - Javier Rubio (MC)
16:10 - 16:40 Break
16:40 - 17:30 Inflationary Universe - Jorge Rocha (MC)
17:30 - 18:20 Celestial Mechanics and Applications - Amaro Rica da Silva (MC)
18:20 - 21:00 Break
21:00 - 23:00 Observations at Telescope (OC)

Tuesday, September 7

09:10 - 10:00 Astronomy and Astrophysics of Disks - Paulo Garcia (AC)
10:00 - 10:50 The Milky Way - André Moitinho (MC) confirmed for today
10:50 - 11:20 Break
11:20 - 12:10 Black Holes - Vitor Cardoso (AC)
12:10 - 13:00 Gravitational Waves - David Hilditch (AC)

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 15:20 String Theory and the AdS/CFT Conjecture - Miguel Zilhão (AC)
15:20 - 16:10 Gravitational Collapse - Paulo Luz  (MC)
16:10 - 16:40 Break
16:40 - 17:30 The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 for Black Holes - Round Table (CENTRA/IST)
17:30 - 18:20 Closing Session and delivery of the participation certificates

C     = Course (3 lectures)
SC   = Special Course (2 lectures)
OC  = Observations at Telescope Course (4 sessions)
MC = Mini Course (1 lecture)
AC  = Advanced Course (2 lectures)
EC   = Extra Course (1 lecture)

The lectures are held at amphitheater PA1 in the basement of the Mathematics Building IST.
The sessions Observations at the Telescope are carried out in the CIGeoE Observatory's dome. 



List of selected students:


Beatriz Bordadágua (IST)
Beatriz Pereira (IST)
Bruno Semião (IST)
Carlos António (IST)
Daniela Medley (IST)
David  Fordham (IST)
Duarte Almeida (FC ULisboa)
Duarte Feiteira (IST)
Federica Fragomeno (U Rome)
Francisca Góis (IST)
Francisco Pais (IST)
Francisco Pinheiro (IST)
Gonçalo Esteves (IST)
Gonçalo Gomes (FC U Lisboa)
Inês Moreira (IST)
Joan Bachs-Esteban (IST)
João Álvares (IST)
João Duarte (IST)
João Santos (IST)
João Silva (IST)
João Silvestre (IST)
Júlia Mestre (IST)
Krinio Marouda (IST)
Lara Piscarreta (FC U Lisboa)
Leandro Sobral (IST)
Luís Machado (IST)
Matteo Forconi (U Rome)
Matteo Piani (IST)
Miguel Rodrigues (IST)
Patrícia Marques (IST)
Pedro Baptista (IST)
Pedro Monteiro (IST)
Pedro Piçarra (IST)
Rafael Conde (IST)
Ricardo Arana (IST)
Sérgio Carrôlo (IST)
Tiago Fernandes (IST)
Tomás Mendes (IST)
Tomás Oliveira (IST)






webdesign and graphics: Dário Passos (CEOT / UAlg)