The Strong Group is now part of a European network set to study nonlinear aspects of Einstein equations. The effort is funded by a Marie Curie RISE project: 01007855 — GRU. Other nodes in Europe include Paris, Rome and Pisa, Kyoto in Japan, Perimeter Institute in Canada and Caltech and Johns Hopkins University in the US.
This February, five members of GRIT, Valentin Boyanov, Vitor Cardoso, Masato Minamitsuji, Chen Yuan and Zhen Zhong traveled to the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP) as part of the European RISE fund program.
The purpose of this travel was to participate in the month long gravity and cosmology workshop at YITP in Kyoto, Japan. This workshop brought together researchers from many different disciplines, including early universe inflation, large scale structure, gravitational wave astronomy and beyond Einstein theories of gravity. This mix of perspectives and ideas centred in the historic Yukawa Institute gave rise to many fruitful conversations which have already resulted in the beginnings of a number of unexpected collaborations.
In additional to the development of exciting new collaborations, GRIT members also gave plenary and contributed talks at the meeting. Vitor discussed the observational status of black hole physics, Masato discussed black hole thermodynamics on generalized scalar-tensor and vector-tensor theories, Chen introduced an analysis of the impact of primordial non-Gaussianities on scalar-induced gravitational waves accompanied by the formation of primordial black holes. Zhen showed how the latetime behavior of curved spacetimes is affected by sources. The meeting was also very fruitful as a means of engagement with other participants on black hole perturbations in minimal theory of bigravity, perturbative decay of gravitational waves into dark energy, stability of scalarized black holes, etc.
And here we are with previous GRIT members including Ryuichi Fujita and Masashi Kimura!