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Cadernos de Astronomia

Aug. 09, 2021

When we think of the history of gravity, the names of Galileo, Newton, and Einstein are the first to be remembered. However, the endeavor of understanding how objects fall precedes these giants, and it has been running alongside the own history of humankind. In fact, the first gravitational waves to be observed by LIGO in 2015 were originated in a collision of two black holes 1.6 billion years ago, long before humans populated the planet Earth. GRIT members Vitor Cardoso and Francisco Duque published an article in Cadernos de Astronomia do Brasil, offering their personal overview of this story. From the experiments of the byzantine philosopher Ioannes Philoponus of Alexandria, who first studied how fast things fall, to the state of the art of black holes and gravitational-wave physics, this unique journey teaches us and why Gravitation is still one of the most exciting sciences to study in the 21st century.