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Black holes at the Niels Bohr Institute

Apr. 18, 2021

Vitor Cardoso, currently a Professor of Physics at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) Portugal, has been awarded a Villum Investigator Grant from the Villum Foundation for 40M DKK to explore black holes as engines of discovery for fundamental physics with his research program "Illuminating the Dark Universe with Gravitational Waves". Driven by his own vision and relying on two prestigious ERC grants, Vitor Cardoso has built a world-renowned group in Portugal. With the support of the Villum Investigator Grant, Vitor Cardoso will provide a strong boost for The Niels Bohr Institute to become a primary venue for gravitational physics in Europe. Vitor Cardoso will join NBIA in 2022.

Vitor Cardoso obtained his PhD in Physics at IST in 2003 and held postdoctoral positions at The University of Mississippi and Washington U., St. Louis before becoming Assistant Professor at IST in 2010. During his tenure in Portugal, he held fellowships at prestigious institutions around the globe, including Perimeter Institute, CERN, and the Waseda Institute for Advanced Studies. He is also Distinguished Visiting Professor at U. Federal Pará in Brazil and Van der Waals Professorial Chair in Amsterdam. Vitor Cardoso became Professor of Physics at IST in 2016 and he is the founder and current leader of the gravity-focused GRIT group. He is the Coordinator of Astrophysics and Gravitation at IST since 2018, and an IST Science Council member. Vitor Cardoso also Chairs the GWverse European COST Action "Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics", with over 300 members.

(Photo by Estelle Valente)