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GR22 and Amaldi13 in Valencia

Jul. 24, 2019

These are exciting times for those wishing to understand and test gravity in its various aspects. Keeping up with all these developments is a challenging task. With the aim of providing a global perspective on the state of the art, the International Society for Relativity and Gravitation holds the tri-annual GR meetings, since 1955. This conference series constitutes the principal international meeting for scientists working in all areas of relativity and gravitation.

The 22nd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR22), took place from 7th – 12th July 2019 in Valencia, Spain. The scientific program of GR22 captures the broadness and uniqueness of this meeting. The conference had very good plenary speakers and very well organized parallel sessions.

CENTRA was heavily represented with many interesting and important talks distributed along the parallel sessions. Vitor Cardoso was the Chair of the Organizing Scientific Committee. The next GR meeting will be held in 2022. Here's a video summarizing the meeting and a CENTRA group photo of (some of) those present.