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Cargese Summer School

Feb. 15, 2018

Vitor Cardoso will be a lecturer at the exciting International Summer School “Mass: From the Higgs to Cosmology" in Cargese, Corsica,  July 9-21, 2018:



      • Theory of Higgs physics and beyond: Roberto Contino (SNS, Pisa, Italy)

      • Collider physics: Jesse Thaler (CPT, MIT, Boston, USA)

      • Naturalness and new approaches to fine-tuning problems: Raffaele Tito d'Agnolo (SLAC and Stanford U., USA)

      • Neutrino physics: Asma Abada (LPT, Orsay, France)

      • Gravitational Waves overview: Alessandra Buonanno (MPI for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany)

      • Effective Field Theory approach and Post-Newtonian formalism: Ira Rothstein (Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, USA)

      • Fundamental physics with GW astronomy: Vitor Cardoso (IST, Lisbon, Portugal and Perimeter Institute, Canada)

      • Theory of reheating: Marco Peloso (U. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)

      • Thermal Field Theory and cosmological phase transitions: Mikko Laine (AEC, Bern, Switzerland)

      • Axion physics: Giovanni Villadoro (ICTP, Trieste, Italy)

      • Dark Matter: Joshua Ruderman (CCPP, NYU, USA)