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Saturday, November 9, 2024

9th CENTRA Meeting


Welcome session and opening remarks  09:20-09:30. Prof. Ilidio Lopes.

09:30. CENTRA @ 30. Profs. Ana Mourão, Jose Cidade Mourão and José Sande Lemos.
10:10. New GR perturbation scheme: radial perturbations of stars. Paulo Luz.
10:15. Radiation reaction in magnetized Kerr black holes. João Sieiro Santos.
10:20. Tidal Love numbers of anti-de Sitter black holes. Jorge Rocha.
10:25. A stable Lorentz-breaking model for an antisymmetric two-tensor. Robertus Potting.
10:30. Penrose process and BSW effect on Reissner-Nordström black holes. José Sande Lemos.
10:35. Extraction of energy from electrovacuum black holes. Filip Hejda.
10:40. The grand canonical ensemble of a black hole and a self-gravitating matter thin shell. Tiago Vasques Fernandes.
10:45. Canonical ensemble of a self-gravitating matter thin shell in AdS. Francisco Gandum Pinheiro.

10:50-11:20. Coffee Break.


11:20. Black hole spacetimes and their observables. Valentin Boyanov and Richard Brito.
12:00. All roads lead to future null infinity. Alex Vañó-Viñuales.


12.30-14.00. Lunch Break.

14.00. Modeling Relativistic Stars within Einstein-Vlasov-Boltzmann Theory. Hannes Rüter.
14.05. Critical collapse of the scalar field and the Einstein-Maxwell system. Jorge Exposito.
14.20. Self-similar collapse in elastic matter models. Diogo Gomes da Silva.
14.25. Extreme-mass-ratio mergers in modified theories of gravity. David Duarte César Lopes.
14.30. An overview of CRISP. Santiago Gonzalez.
15.00. Structural Implications of Screening Mechanisms on White Dwarfs. Joan Bachs Esteban.
15.05. The Importance of Electrostatic Properties in Stellar Interiors for the Dynamics of Low-Mass Stars. Ana Brito.
15.10. Heating the Universe with oscillons. Matteo Piani.
15.15. Hubble might start to relax: Can homogeneous supernova subsamples fix the Hubble tension? Gonçalo Martins.
15.20. Three-body problem in GR. Adrien Kuntz.
15.25. Probing the Higgs in the early Universe with gravitational waves. Giorgio Laverda.


15:30-16:00. Coffee Break.


16:00. The Portuguese LISA Distributed Data Processing Centre. Paulo Garcia.
16:10. Accessing the performance of the Madeira Optical SST Station. José Lino.
16:15. Constraints on the binarity of the  Galactic Centre S2 star. Rodrigo Silva.
16:20. System engineering of the GRAVITY+ instrument. Nuno Morujão.


CENTRA/Informatics, webpage and outreach talks.


16:25. João Vasconcelos.
16:30. A Thousand Days of CENTRA on Social Media. Joan Bachs Esteban.
16:35-17:00 Free conversation and end of CENTRA's 9th Meeting.