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Saturday, March 3, 2018

CENTRA Meeting Program:

09h30 - 10h00 Welcome session

10h00 - 10h50 CENTRA/COSTAR Talks
10h00 - 10h05 Amaro Rica da Silva (Professor) "Neural computational methods in physics"
10h05 - 10h10 Ana Brito (PhD Student) "The impact of heavy elements ionization in the oscillations of hot F-stars"
10h10 - 10h15 Ana Mourão (Professor) "Polarization of supernova host galaxies and dust properties affecting distances"
10h15 - 10h20 Diogo Capelo (MSc Student) "Challenges in the prediction of the neutrino spectrum of nearby stars"
10h20 - 10h25 Gonçalo Andrade (PhD Student) "Testing the impact of the pp-reaction in post-main-sequence stars"
10h25 - 10h30 Grigorios Panotopoulos (Postdoc) "Compact stars as a probe to the dark matter problem"
10h30 - 10h35 Ilidio Lopes (Professor) "Sun and new particles"
10h35 - 10h40 José Lopes (PhD Student) "A new tool for studying dark matter in stars"
10h40 - 10h45 Santiago Gonzalez (Postdoc) "Spatial field reconstruction of galaxy maps"
10h45 - 10h50 Violetta Sagun (Postdoc) "Neutron stars equation of state"

10h50 - 11h15 Coffee Break

11h15 - 12h30 CENTRA/SIM Talks
11h15 - 11h20 Alberto Krone-Martins (Postdoc) "Strong gravitational lenses of QSOs: Where astrometry meets entropy"
11h20 - 11h25 André Boné (PhD Student) "Mechanical alignment challenges for ELTs METIS"
11h25 - 11h30 André Moitinho (Professor) "Coming soon: Gaia Data Release 2"
11h30 - 11h35 André Silva (MSc Student) "Tracing the scale height evolution of the galactic disk with open clusters"
11h35 - 11h40 António Amorim (Professor) "Laser guiding in astronomy and industry"
11h40 - 11h45 Bruno Couto (PhD Student) "Microchip laser for planetary altimetry: Construction phase"
11h45 - 11h50 Carlos Barata (Software Engineer) "GAVS - Gaia archive visualization system"
11h50 - 11h55 Izabella Hemprich (Msc Student) "Consortia optimization for ESA proposals - first results"
11h55 - 12h00 Joana Ascenso (Postdoc) "Constraining the mass of YSOs from NIR data"
12h00 - 12h05 João Silvestre (MSc Student) "Sparse coding and reconstruction imaging for astronomy"
12h05 - 12h10 Koraljka Muzic (FCT Researcher) "Embedded clusters as laboratories for star and brown dwarf formation"
12h10 - 12h15 Márcia Barros (PhD Student) Recommender system to support large scale scientific datasets
12h15 - 12h20 Mercedes Filho (Postdoc) "Transient/Extreme phenomenon in extremely metal-poor dwarf galaxies"
12h20 - 12h25 Paulo Garcia (Professor) "Current status of the GRAVITY scientific program"
12h25 - 12h30 Paulo Gordo (Research Engineer) "Star tracker for the Portuguese satelite INFANTE"

12h30 - 14h30 Lunch

14h30 - 15h45 CENTRA/GRIT Talks
14h30 - 14h35 Andrea Maselli (Postdoc) "Probing the structure of compact objects through gravitational waves"
14h35 - 14h40 Andrea Nerozzi (Postdoc) "A self-dual form approach to general relativity"
14h40 - 14h45 António Carvalho (MSc Student) "Black holes in an expanding background"
14h45 - 14h50 Carlos Escobar Ruiz (Postdoc) "Three charges on a plane in a magnetic field: Special trajectories"
14h50 - 14h55 Christopher Moore (Postdoc) "Black holes: a whistle-stop tour from the smallest to the biggest"
14h55 - 15h00 Daniele Vernieri (Postdoc) "Interior solutions in Horava gravity and Einstein-aether theory"
15h00 - 15h05 David Hilditch (FCT Researcher) "Near critical collapse of gravitational waves"
15h05 - 15h10 Filip Hejda (PhD Student) "When is the latitudinal motion in Kerr-Newman forbidden?"
15h10 - 15h15 Gonçalo Castro (MSc Student) "Effects of massive gravitons on the emission of gravitational waves"  
15h15 - 15h20 Gonçalo Quinta (PhD Student) "Quantum field theory in curved spacetime"
15h20 - 15h25 Inês Terrucha (MSc Student) "Bouncing cosmology from f(G) gravity"
15h25 - 15h30 Isabel Suárez (PhD Student) "Recast of SUSY searches in ATLAS and CMS for global fits"
15h30 - 15h35 João Luís Rosa (PhD Student) "Generalized hybrid metric-Palatini gravity"
15h35 - 15h40 Jorge Lopes (PhD Student) "Field dynamics in curved spacetimes - a digression in AdS and superradiance"
15h40 - 15h45 José Sande Lemos (Professor) "Black hole mass formula in the membrane paradigm"
15h45 - 15h50 Kyriakos Destounis (PhD Student) "Quasinormal modes and strong cosmic censorship"

15h50 - 16h15 Coffee Break

16h15 - 17h40 CENTRA/GRIT Talks (continuation)
16h15 - 16h20 Laura Bernard (Postdoc) "Compact binary systems in scalar-tensor theories"
16h20 - 16h25 Lorenzo Annulli (PhD Student) "Testing general relativity: matter in action!"
16h25 - 16h30 Masashi Kimura (Postdoc) "A simple test for the stability of a black hole"
16h30 - 16h35 Masato Minamitsuji (Postdoc) "Compact objects in vector-tensor theories"
16h35 - 16h40 Miguel Correia (MSc Student) "Echoes: a Dyson-series representation of individual pulses"
16h40 - 16h45 Miguel Ferreira (PhD Student) "The effects of a vibrating spacetime
16h45 - 16h50 Miguel Zilhão (FCT Researcher) "Black holes, anti-de Sitter spaces, and dual gauge theories"   
16h50 - 16h55 Paulo Luz (PhD Student) "Effects of intrinsic spin and torsion on gravitational collapse"
16h55 - 17h00 Pedro Cunha (PhD Student) "Light ring stability in ultra-compact objects"
17h00 - 17h05 Rita Franco (MSc Student)
17h05 - 17h10 Robertus Potting (Professor) "Bounds on violations of Lorentz symmetry by ultra-high-energy cosmic rays"
17h10 - 17h15 Rodrigo Vicente (PhD Student) "The Penrose process, superradiance and ergoregion instabilities"
17h15 - 17h20 Rui André (PhD Student) "Gravitational entropy revisited"
17h20 - 17h25 Sante Carloni (FCT Researcher) "Covariant compact objects in general relativity and modified gravity"
17h25 - 17h30 Thanasis Giannakopoulos (PhD Student) "Holographic gravitational waves"
17h30 - 17h35 Thiago Assumpção (MSc Student) "Stability of black hole binaries"
17h35 - 17h40 Vitor Cardoso (Professor) "Black hole oscillation modes"

17h40 - 17h45 Manuel Torrinha and Sérgio Almeida (System Managers) "Managing CENTRA's systems"

17h45 - 18h00 Evaluation and final considerations