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Onset of spontaneous scalarization in generalized scalar-tensor theories

Nov. 12 - 14:30 - 2020

Speaker: Antoine Lehebel (CENTRA, IST)

Title: Onset of spontaneous scalarization in generalized scalar-tensor theories

Abstract: Spontaneous scalarization is a mechanism that endows relativistic stars and black holes with a nontrivial configuration only when their spacetime curvature exceeds some threshold. Beyond this threshold, they acquire a nontrivial scalar configuration, which also affects their structure. The onset of scalarization is controlled only by terms that contribute to linear perturbation around solutions of general relativity. I will present the complete set of these terms in generalized scalar-tensor theories, and determine the relevant thresholds in terms of the contributing coupling constants and the properties of the compact object.

Room: ZOOM videoconference (contact justin.feng@tecnico.ulisboa.pt for URL)

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