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Axion dark matter search with optical interferometer

Nov. 05 - 14:30 - 2020

Speaker: Ippei Obata (Garching, Max Planck Inst.)

Title: Axion dark matter search with optical interferometer

Axion dark matter differentiates the phase velocities of the circular-polarized photons. In this talk, we present a scheme to measure its phase difference by using a linear optical cavity. We applied this scheme to the Fabry-Perot arm of gravitational wave detectors such as DECIGO, CE, and aLIGO. We found that their potential sensitivities to the axion-photon coupling constant, g_{aγ}, can reach beyond the current limit of CAST with several orders of magnitude, at a wide axion mass range 10^{-16}eV < m < 10^{-9} eV. Our sensitivity can be achieved without losing any sensitivity to gravitational waves. This talk is based on our recent paper Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 (2019) 111301 [arXiv:1903.02017].

Room: ZOOM videoconference (contact justin.feng@tecnico.ulisboa.pt for URL)

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