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Post-Newtonian Kozai-Lidov mechanism and gravitational waves from hierarchical triple systems

Oct. 29 - 14:30 - 2020

Speaker Hirotada Okawa (Waseda Institute for Advanced Study)

Title: Post-Newtonian Kozai-Lidov mechanism and gravitational waves from hierarchical triple systems

We have recently studied gravitational waves from a hierarchical three-body system up to first-order post-Newtonian approximation. One of the key players is the so-called Kozai-Lidov oscillation, which causes periodic exchange between eccentricity of inner bindary and relative inclination. In our recent papers, we analyzed dynamics of three-body systems which consists of pulsars or black holes, and gravitational waves from such systems. In my talk, I will first explain the results obtained so far by perturbation and double-averaging method in the literature and will next discuss our direct simulation for three-body problems and those results.

Room: ZOOM videoconference (contact justin.feng@tecnico.ulisboa.pt for URL)

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