Astroinformatics 2019
This is the tenth in the series of the annual Astroinformatics conferences.
Its intent is to stimulate the development of this vibrant field, which is essential for the data-rich, computationally enabled astrophysics of the 21st century. Our goals are to assemble researchers working in this field, in order to describe their latest work in this arena, exchange ideas with the other participants, and discuss the future prospects for the field.
Topics to be covered include: machine learning and other methods of advanced data analytics, processing, handling, and distribution of large data sets, data visualization, methodology transfer in data science, etc. A special emphasis will be given to the examples of new results obtained through the use of astroinformatics.
Venue: Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1216 E. California Bvd., Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA
Scientific Organizing Committee :
George Djorgovski, Caltech, USA, Co-Chair
Matthew Graham, Caltech, USA, Co-Chair
Ashish Mahabal, Caltech, USA, Co-Chair
Giuseppe Longo, Univ. di Napoli, Italy, Co-Chair Emeritus
Bruce Bassett, Univ. Cape Town, South Africa
Massimo Brescia, Obs. di Capodimonte, Italy
Guillermo Cabrera, Univ. de Concepcion, Chile
Chenzhou Cui, NAOC, China
George Helou, IPAC, USA
Jarrod Hurley, Swinburne, Australia
Ajit Kembhavi, IUCAA, India
Alberto Krone-Martins, Univ. Lisboa, Portugal
Jessica McIver, LIGO, USA
Erzsebet Merenyi, Rice Univ., USA
Kai Polsterer, HITS, Germany
Pavlos Protopapas, Harvard, USA
Prajval Shastri, IIA, India
Alex Szalay, JHU, USA
Kiri Wagstaff, JPL, USA