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The Friedrich-Butscher method for the construction of initial data in General Relativity

Mar. 14 - 14:30 - 2019

Speaker: Jarrod Williams (Queen Mary)

Title: The Friedrich-Butscher method for the construction of initial data in General Relativity

Abstract: The construction of initial data for the Cauchy problem in General Relativity is an interesting problem from both the mathematical and physical points of view. As such, there have been numerous methods studied in the literature the "Conformal Method" of Lichnerowicz-Choquet-Bruhat-York and the "gluing" method of Corvino-Schoen being perhaps the best-explored. In this talk I will describe an alternative, perturbative, approach proposed by A. Butscher and H. Friedrich, and show how it can be used to construct non-linear perturbations of initial data for spatially-closed analogues of the "k = -1" FLRW spacetime. Time permitting, I will discuss possible renements/extensions of the method, along with its generalisation to the full Conformal Constraint Equations of H. Friedrich.

This Seminar is Joint with CAMGSD, and will be held at 14:30 — 15:30 in the DF meeting room on Level 2.

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