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Space Radiation Effects on Humans and Machines

Nov. 19 - 15:30 - 2018

Astro-technology seminar

Time: Monday, November 19, 2018, at 15:30

Location: FCUL, building C1, room 1.4.14


Space Radiation Effects on Humans and Machines

Speaker: Prof. Jorge Miguel Sampaio  (LIP  - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas)


This presentation gives an introduction to the relevant concepts for the risk assessment in radiation exposure. The focus will be on the main sources of uncertainty associated with the evaluation of dosimetric quantities in space radiation exposures. I will present current projects on the validation of Mars radiation environment models, developed at LIP, and dose assessments on crews in manned spaced missions. Future projects on the field of microdosimetry with potential space applications will also be discussed. If time permits, I will also give a brief overview of LIP current activities within ESA’s projects, concerning environment measurement technologies, test characterization and Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) of EEE components development of a RADiation hard Electron Monitor for the JUICE ESA mission to the Jovian system (RADEM); and testing of EEE components for space missions.

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