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Physics Colloquium: Probing the nature of gravity and extreme matter with gravitational-wave observations

Oct. 17 - 16:00 - 2018

Speaker: Alessandra Buonanno (AEI Golm)

Title: Physics Colloquium: Probing the nature of gravity and extreme matter with gravitational-wave observations

Abstract: The observation of gravitational waves from coalescing binary black holes and a binary neutron star with LIGO and Virgo detectors is providing us, for the first time, the opportunity to unveil the nature of gravity and matter under extreme conditions. After reviewing the theoretical groundwork that allows us to identify and interpret those gravitational-wave signals, I will discuss which information about dynamical gravity, the nature of compact objects, and fundamental physics the new astronomical messengers are disclosing. I will also highlight some theoretical challenges in the solution of the two-body problem in General Relativity that would need to be addressed and solved to take full advantage of the discovery potential of future, more sensitive gravitational-wave detectors on the ground and in space.

Note that this talk has a double-billing as the physics colloquium; hence the unusual time and location.

Venue: Room VA4, Civil Engineering Pavilion.

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