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2018 VLTI School

Jul. 09/09:00 - Jul. 14/14:00 2018

In 2018 the 9th VLTI Summer School will be organised by the Portuguese VLTI Expertise Centre, the JMMC, the EII, ESO, and CENTRA members. The school will take place from the 9th to the 14th of July, in Lisbon, Portugal.

The school will be very practical introducing the students to many tools commonly used in observation preparation and VLTI data reduction. The focus of the school will be GRAVITY instrument, but the MATISSE instrument and other instruments (AMBERPIONIER) will also be referred.  The school intended audience are PhD students, post-docs and seniors with little experience in optical interferometry.  The number of students is around 30. At the end of the school the participants are expected to be capable of preparing a solid proposal for the VLTI and to reduce GRAVITY data. Although computers will be available, participants are encouraged to bring their laptop, to install software.
  • An email should be sent to the LOC (vlti2018-loc@european-interferometry.eu) with: a) one page CV; b) one page motivation letter; c) support letter from PhD supervisor (for PhD students only). The support letter can be sent directly to the LOC by the supervisor.
  • All emails will receive and acknowledgement from the LOC in the following days.
  • If you require travel funding, your email must provide a justification and estimation of the travel costs. Note that limited travel funds are available.
Important dates:
  • 11th March, first announcement and registration opens.
  • 4th May, deadline for applications for partial financial support (priority to PhD students and postdocs).
  • 1st June, applicants informed of partial financial support.
  • 1st July, registrations close (they may close earlier if all available places are filled).
  • 8th July, welcome reception.
Practical information:
  • The school will take place at the Physics Department of the FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Low cost hostel accommodation with breakfast will be provided free of charge to school attendees.
    • Check-in: 8th July; Check-out: 15th July
    • You will be expected to pay a caution of 5€ for your locker upon arrival.
    • Shower towels are available for 2€.
    • Students will be lodged at same sex rooms.
  • Free lunch, coffee-breaks and dinner will be available at the school premises (or nearby university canteens).
  • Travel funds are available for a very limited number of attendees.
  • Travel in Lisbon
    • Use the metro system (airport, hostel, school). There is a map of the metro system. 
    • The metro stop nearer the hostel is Anjos. 
    • The metro stop nearer the school premises is Campo Grande. Both are connected by the green line.
    • You can buy a metro card and charge it with travels at the metro stations. More information.
  • Speakers
    • The projector is a 1200x800 system.
Scientific Organising Committee:
Agata Karska, Poland
Agnes Kospal, Hungary
Almudena Alonso-Herrero, Spain
Anna Scaife, United Kingdom
Anthony Meilland, JMMC training coordinator
Antoine Merand, ESO
Bruno Lopez, MATISSE consortium
David Buscher, EII
Gilles Duvert, France
Heide Korhonen, Denmark
Jarl Brinchmann, Netherlands
Laurent Eyer, Switzerland
Lucas Labadie, Germany
Maria Teresa Beltran, Italy
Michaela Kraus, Czech Republic
Mike Ireland, Australia
Oliver Pfuhl, GRAVITY consortium
Olivier Absil, Belgium
Paulo Garcia, Portugal, Chair
Rachel Roettenbacher, Sweden
Rebeca Garcia-Lopez, Ireland
Thibaut Paumard, GRAVITY consortium
Thorsten Ratzka, Austria
Local Organising Committee:
Mercedes Filho (Chair, Portuguese VLTI Expertise Centre Lead Scientist)
Izabella Hemprich
Paulo Garcia
Sandra Costa

More info here.

An importable CVS/ICS calendar with all of CENTRA's events is available here