<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica">HiZELS, the High redshift(Z) Emission Line Survey, is using WFCAM's wide <br /> field of view on UKIRT to search for (mostly) star-forming galaxies at z <br /> up to 9 using three sets of custom narrow band filters in the J, H and K <br /> bands in square degree areas of extragalactic sky. <br /> <br /> I will present results from an almost 2 sq. deg area (UKIDSS UDS + COSMOS) <br /> which have allowed us to i) compute the luminosity function of H-alpha <br /> emitters at different redshift "slices" within the critical "era" of <br /> star-formation in the Universe (z=0.84, z=1.48, z=2.23) and thus the star <br /> formation rate density at those epochs, ii) calculate the clustering <br /> signal of these SF galaxies (showing them to be highly clustered) and iii) <br /> study the mass (showing significant evidence of downsizing at least at <br /> z=0.84) and morphology dependences (with HST/SUBARU). I will also present <br /> the 2 robust z=8.9 Ly-alpha emitter candidates which have been found with <br /> our survey, along with future prospects for the Ultra-VISTA survey. </font></p>
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