New horizons for Psi school & workshop, IST Lisbon, 1–5 July 2024
In recent years, there has been significant advancement and a notable surge in the exploration of fundamental field in regions with strong gravity. In light of this expanding and evolving community, the New Horizons for Psi School & Workshop: Black Holes and Fundamental Fields has been conceived to facilitate a thorough discourse on this subject. The 5-day hybrid event is scheduled for July 1st to 5th, 2024, in Lisbon. The initial two days will be dedicated to the school component, with the subsequent three days comprising the workshop segment. The event also provides a platform for students to present their posters.
School Lectures:
Geraldine Servant: Gravitational waves from the primordial universe:
scalar field cosmology, axions & dark matter
Carlos Herdeiro: Black hole uniqueness and dirty black holes
Katy Clough: Studying fundamental fields with numerical relativity
Sam Dolan: Superradiance
Francisco Duque: EMRIs or evolution of binaries in fundamental fields
Maria Alessandra Papa: Gravitational waves from monochromatic sources: data analysis
Workshop speakers include:
Diego Blas
Pedro Cunha
William East
Joshua Eby
Lam Hui
Maximiliano Isi
Hyungjin Kim
Caio Macedo
Andrea Maselli
Jamie McDonald
Hidetoshi Omiya
Ornella Piccinni
Nicolas Sanchis-Gual
Dina Traykova
Rodrigo Vicente
Yue Zhao
We look forward to hosting you in Lisbon.
Scientific organizing committee
Richard Brito, Enrico Cannizzaro, Vitor Cardoso, Yifan Chen, Paolo Pani, Thomas Spieksma, Xiao Xue
Local organizing committee
Richard Brito, Vitor Cardoso, Valentin Boyanov, Rita Sousa, Chen Yuan
Contact Point: ritat.sousa at
Illustration and design
Ana Carvalho
Web development
João Vasconcelos