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On the Cauchy problem in effective field theories of gravity

Dec. 07 - 14:30 - 2023

Sepaker: Aron Kovacs (Queen Mary College, London)

Title: On the Cauchy problem in effective field theories of gravity

Abstract: Effective field theory (EFT) provides a way of parameterizing strong-field deviations from General Relativity that might be observable in the gravitational waves emitted in a black hole merger. To perform numerical simulations of black hole mergers in an EFT, it is necessary that the theory admits a well-posed initial value formulation. In the first part of my talk, I will review recent results on the initial value formulation of gravitational EFTs (beyond General Relativity) with second-order equations of motion. In the second part, I will discuss some ideas to deal with EFTs with higher derivative equations.

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