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Nucleosynthesis and electromagnetic transients from neutron star mergers and rare types of core-collapse supernovae

May. 25 - 14:30 - 2023

Speaker: Daniel Siegel (Greifswald University)

Title: Nucleosynthesis and electromagnetic transients from neutron star mergers and rare types of core-collapse supernovae


Gravitational-wave and multi-messenger astronomy shed light on the astrophysics of black holes and neutron stars, and also allow for unique probes of fundamental physics. I will discuss recent results on how the mergers of neutron stars as well as other explosive systems such as the death of massive, rotating stars give rise to the formation of heavy elements in the universe. In particular, I will discuss recent results at the interface of numerical relativity, relativistic astrophysics, neutrino physics, and nuclear astrophysics, and highlight how multi-messenger astronomy may lead to the answer of a 70 year old fundamental question in physics: How does the Universe create the heaviest elements?

Room: Sala de Reuniões e Seminários (2-8.3) (2nd Floor of Physics Building)

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