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News (lots of them...) about the black holes and neutron stars in the galaxy

Feb. 28 - 16:00 - 2023

Speaker: Jorge Horvath (IAG-USP, São Paulo)

Title: News (lots of them...) about the black holes and neutron stars in the galaxy


The knowledge of compact stellar remnants, neutron stars and black holes, has greatly expanded in recent years. Many of the dogmas of the past were refuted and we face a new era in which the pieces of the puzzle are difficult to fit, but on the other hand many opportunities to contribute appear. I shall discuss in this seminar some of the latter, including the masses and mass distribution of both objects, their birth in stellar collapses and other events, and related topics.

Room: Sala de Reuniões e Seminários (2-8.3) (2nd Floor of Physics Building)

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