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Aspects of nonlocally modified gravity and of cosmological numerical relativity

Mar. 03 - 14:30 - 2022

Speaker: Yves Dirian (CENTRA)

Title: Aspects of nonlocally modified gravity and of cosmological numerical relativity


As I am a new postdoc fellow at CENTRA, I propose to summarise my previous and current main works, and briefly describe associated future perspectives. This will consist of the discussion of two distinct bodies of work, one of them lying in modified gravity (dark energy) and the other one in numerical relativity applied to cosmology. First, I will outline field theoretical aspects as well as observational constraints and Bayesian model selection studies of a particular class of modified gravity theories, so-called nonlocal gravity theories. In particular, I will review the relevant phenomenology of selected nonlocal models in the light of different cosmological probes such as the cosmic microwave background, supernovae, large scale structure, but also future gravitational waves interferometers. In a second part, I will describe my research in numerical relativity that constitutes an attempt towards the development of a fully general relativistic N-body code for cosmological structure formation.

Room: Sala de Reuniões e Seminários (2-8.3) (2nd Floor of Physics Building)

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