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Recent results in the relativistic two-body problem: the scattering angle

May. 20 - 14:30 - 2021

Speaker: Donato Bini (IAC, Rome and INFN, Naples)

Title: Recent results in the relativistic two-body problem: the scattering angle

The recent progress in understanding the features of the relativistic two-body problem has been possible by combining information taken from various different contexts, namely post-Newtonian, post-Minkowskian, self-force, and effective one-body formalisms. A novel approach (termed "Tutti Frutti") has allowed us to reach the 6PN level of accuracy in the discussion of the problem (modulo some unknown parameter). Other results have already been obtained (and much is currently expected) from effective field theories. The status of the art and the current research trends will be reviewed here.

Room: ZOOM videoconference (contact justin.feng@tecnico.ulisboa.pt for URL)

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