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Saturday, June 17, 2023

8th CENTRA Meeting


Welcome session 10:00-10:10

CENTRA/COSTAR Talks 10:10-11:00 Chairperson: José Sande Lemos
10:10:10:15 Amaro Rica da Silva (Professor) - Hierarchical computational methods in physics
10:15-10:20 Ana Brito (Post-Doc) - Net electric charge densities in stellar interiors: A correlation with rotation
10:20-10:25 Ana Mourão (Professor) - Polarimetry of type II supernova
10:25-10:30 Catarina Corte-Real (MSc student) - Reddening evolution in type Ia supernovae
10:30-10:35 Ilídio Lopes (Professor) -  Sun, stars, particles, and the dark sector
10:35-10:40 Ishfaq Rather (PhD Student) - Neutron star equation of state with exotic phases
10:40-10:45 Joan Bachs-Esteban (PhD Student) - Chameleon stars: Newtonian, post-Newtonian, and relativistic analysis
10:45-10:50 João Duarte (MSc Student) - The role of galaxy orientation on dust attenuation
10:50-10:55 João Silvestre (PhD student) - Photo-polarimetric studies of galaxies
10:55-11:00 Matteo Piani (PhD student) - Gravitational waves from the Higgs

Coffee break 11:00-11:30

CENTRA/SIM Talks 11:30-12:50 Chairperson: David Hilditch
11:30-11:35 André Moitinho (Professor) - Measuring gravity on the 100 pc scale
11:35-11:40 Antonio Amorim (Professor) - Building of the METIS first light instrument for the ESO/ELT telescope
11:40-11:45 Ariana Dias (MSc Student) - Taking the census of star clusters in the Milky Way
11:45-11:50 Bruno Couto (PhD Student) - Optimizing a microchip laser for the ESA altimeters: Coatings become critical
11:50-11:55 Duarte Almeida (PhD Student) - Mass loss in open clusters
11:55-12:00 Francisco Ribeiro (MSc Student) - Adaptive optics photometry and astrometry using machine learning
12:00-12:05 Eduarda Pimentel (MSc Student) - Building new visualisation capabilities for the Gaia archive
12:05-12:10 Frederico Carvalho (Tecnician) - Details involved in preparing the construction of the METIS WSS
12:10-12:15 Geraldo Rodrigues (PhD Student) - Black box for launchers
12:15-12:20 Lucas Monteiro (MSc Student) - E(xtraterrestris). Coli
12:20-12:25 Nuno Morujão (MSc Student) - Seeing estimation from on-sky adaptive optics telemetry data
12:25-12:30 Paulo Garcia (Professor) - The OPTICON radioNET pilot project
12:30-12:35 Paulo Gordo (Invited Researcher) - Space instrumentation: LIDAR for HERA mission
12:35-12:40 Rafael Pinto (MSc Student) - Study and assembly of linear and Geiger-mode photodiode electronics for LiDAR
12:40-12:45 Sandro Moreira (MSc Student) - Modelling the evolution of the galactic disk scale height by open clusters
12:45-12:50 Tiago Gomes (Software Engineer) - Adaptive optics telemetry standard: A novel data exchange format

Lunch 12:50-14:30

CENTRA/GRIT Talks 14:30-16:00 Chairperson: André Moitinho
14:30-14:35 Alex Vaño-Viñuales (Post-Doc) - Current status of conformally compactified 3D hyperboloidal evolutions
14:35-14:40 Arianna Foschi (PhD Student) - Constraining bosonic clouds at the galactic center
14:40-14:45 Christian Peterson (PhD Student) - Towards hyperboloidal evolution in numerical relativity
15:45-14:50 Chen Yuan (Post-Doc) - Probing primordial black hole dark matter with gravitational waves
15:50-14:55 David Hilditch (Professor) - Critical phenomena in the collapse of gravitational waves
14:55-15:00 David Lopes (MSc Student) - Proca perturbations in higher-dimensional Schwarzschild-AdS black holes
15:00-15:05 Diogo Silva (PhD Student) - Relativistic elasticity in spherically symmetric collapse
15:05-15:10 Edgar Gasperin (Research Scientist) - Linearised conformal Einstein field equations.
15:10-15:15 Francisco Duque (PhD Student) - Binaries in astrophysical environments
15:15-15:20 Francisco Pais (MSc Student) - Symplectic structures and the Twistor initial value problem
15:20-15:25 Francisco Pinheiro (MSc Student) - Euclidean action of black hole-matter systems in AdS space
15:25-15:30 Gonçalo Castro (Post-Doc) - Tidal deformations of rotating compact objects
15:30-15:35 Guilherme Simplício (MSc Student) - Applying Deep learning techniques to general relativity
15:35-15:40 Hannes Rüter (Post-Doc) - Mergers of dark matter admixed neutron stars
15:40-15:45 João Santos (MSc Student) - Radiation reaction of charged particles around Schwarzschild black holes
15:45-15:50 Jorge Rocha (Professor) - Black hole-wormhole collisions
15:50-15:55 José Sande Lemos (Professor) - De Sitter black holes and Nariai cosmological spaces in the canonical ensemble
15:55-16:00 Krinio Marouda (PhD Student) - Complex scalar field critical phenomena using bamps

Coffee break 16:00-16:30

CENTRA/GRIT Talks (continued) 16:30-17:15 Chairperson:  Ana Mourão
16:30-16:35 Marica Minucci (PhD Student) - Conformal geodesics and the evolution of spacetimes with positive Lambda
16:35-16:40 Masato Minamitsuji (Research Scientist) - Scalarized objects in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet theories
16:40-16:45 Miguel Duarte (Post-Doc) - Asymptotic systems in generalized harmonic gauge
16:45-16:50 Paulo Luz (Post-Doc) - Gauge invariant perturbations of stars
16:50-16:55 Rafael Pinto (MSc Student) - Classical Newman-Penrose constants at scri+ in Minkowski spacetime
16:55-17:00 Rita Santos (MSc Student) - Characteristic critical collapse with null infinity
17:00-17:05 Robertus Potting (Professor) - Lorentz-symmetry violation in the relativistic Boltzmann equation
17:05-17:10 Tiago Fernandes (PhD Student) - Connection between entropy and the Euler characteristic in black holes
17:10-17:15 Valentin Boyanov (Post-Doc) - From black holes to black stars

CENTRA/Informatics and Webpage Talks 17:15-17:25 Chairperson: Ilidio Lopes
17:15-17:20 João Vasconcelos and Tomás Martins - CENTRA's informatics
17:20-17:25 Outreach Team - CENTRA's Outreach

CENTRA Evaluation 17:25-18:00 Chairperson: Ilidio Lopes
17:25-17:30 Evaluation and final considerations
17:30-18:00 Free conversation and end of CENTRA's 8th Meeting