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Reissuing of the Técnica, the scientific and technical journal of the IST Students Association

Mar. 18, 2013

The article is called "Mira Fernandes e a Física-Matemática na fundação e consolidação da revista Técnica" (translates to "Mira Fernandes and Mathematical-Physics in the foundation and consolidation of the journal Técnica"). In it all the 47 papers that Mira Fernandes has published in Técnica, spanning a time from 1927 to 1955, are displayed. The articles are on (1) analytical and rational mechanics, (2) quantum mechanics, (3) general relativity, unified theories and cosmological theories, (4) differential geometry, Riemannian geometry and tensorial calculus, (5) other mathematical themes, such as group theory, variational calculus, and differential equations, (6) public understanding of science, with the exposition of small biographies and the writing of personal notes and (7) opinions and teachings. This article in Técnica on Mira Fernandes reviews 11 of the 47 articles and, in addition, comments on what can be called Mira Fernandes' equations, i.e., Newton's equations written in a beautiful very compact notation. From Mira Fernandes' equations one can show that Appell's equations and Maggi's equations, as worked out in the famous treatise of 1926 "Lezioni di Meccanica Razionale" by Levi-Civita and Amaldi, follow as particular cases.