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Richard wins a scholarship for young researchers from Gulbenkian

Nov. 29, 2013

Richard Brito won a scholarship from the Programa de Estímulo à Investigação Científica (Scientific Stimulus Research Program), organized by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Brito’s project, supervised by researchers Vitor Cardoso and Paolo Pani, is titled “Pesando os Mensageiros de Einstein” ("Weighing Einstein's Messengers", in English) and identifies gravitons as "Einstein's messengers". The project intends to study the consequences that massive gravitons may have for general relativity.Every year the Scientific Stimulus Research Program rewards young researchers with less than 26 years in the areas of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Earth and Space Sciences. You can find more information (in Portuguese) about the Scientific Stimulus Research Program, and this year winners, here.