Type Ia supernova host galaxies as seen with IFU spectroscopy
Stanishev, V., Rodrigues, M., Mourao, A. and Flores, H. (2012), "Type Ia supernova host galaxies as seen with IFU spectroscopy", ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 545.

Context. Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have been widely used in cosmology as distance indicators. However, to fully exploit their potential in cosmology, a better control over systematic uncertainties is required. Some of the uncertainties are related to the unknown nature of the SN Ia progenitors. Aims. We aim to test the use of integral field unit (IFU) spectroscopy for correlating the properties of nearby SNe Ia with the properties of their host galaxies at the location of the SNe. The results are to be compared with those obtained from an analysis of the total host spectrum. The goal is to explore this path of constraining the nature of the SN Ia progenitors and further improve the use of SNe Ia in cosmology. Methods. We used the wide-field IFU spectrograph PMAS/PPAK at the 3.5 m telescope of Calar Alto Observatory to observe six nearby spiral galaxies that hosted SNe Ia. Spatially resolved 2D maps of the properties of the ionized gas and the stellar populations were derived. Results. Five of the observed galaxies have an ongoing star formation rate of 1-5 M-circle dot yr(-1) and mean stellar population ages similar to 5 Gyr. The sixth galaxy shows no star formation and has an about 12 Gyr old stellar population. All galaxies have stellar masses larger than 2 x 10(10) M-circle dot and metallicities above solar. Four galaxies show negative radial metallicity gradients of the ionized gas up to -0.058 dex kpc(-1) and one has nearly uniform metallicity with a possible shallow positive slope. The stellar components show shallower negative metallicity gradients up to -0.03 dex kpc(-1). We find no clear correlation between the properties of the galaxy and those of the supernovae, which may be because of the small ranges spanned by the galaxy parameters. However, we note that the Hubble residuals are on average positive while negative Hubble residuals are expected for SNe Ia in massive hosts such as the galaxies in our sample. Conclusions. The IFU spectroscopy on 4-m telescopes is a viable technique for studying host galaxies of nearby SNe Ia. It allows one to correlate the supernova properties with the properties of their host galaxies at the projected positions of the supernovae. Our current sample of six galaxies is too small to draw conclusions about the SN Ia progenitors or correlations with the galaxy properties, but the ongoing CALIFA IFU survey will provide a solid basis to exploit this technique more and improve our understanding of SNe Ia as cosmological standard candles.

galaxies: abundances; supernovae: general; galaxies: general; galaxies: ISM; galaxies: stellar content

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