Interacting fermions, boundaries, and finite size effects
Flachi, Antonino (2012), "Interacting fermions, boundaries, and finite size effects", PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 86, 10.

In this work we analyze how effects of finite size may modify the thermodynamics of a system of strongly interacting fermions that we model using an effective field theory with four-point interactions at finite temperature and density and look in detail at the case of a confining two-layer system. We compute the thermodynamic potential in the large-N and mean-field approximations and adopt a zeta-function regularization scheme to regulate the divergences. Explicit expansions are obtained in different regimes of temperature and separation. The analytic structure of the potential is carefully analyzed, and relevant integral and series representations for the various expressions involved are obtained. Several known results are obtained as a limiting case of general results. We numerically implement the formalism and compute the thermodynamic potential, the critical temperature, and the fermion condensate showing that effects of finite size tend to shift the critical points and the order of the transitions. The present discussion may be of some relevance for the study of the Casimir effect between strongly coupled fermionic materials with interlayer interactions.

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