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Store and read all data in/from your /home/username folder.


Entry nodes can only be used to: compile code, prepare parameter files, prepare batch scripts, submit runs, check the status of the queue system.


Never run your programs in the entry nodes.


Do not submit runs with unknown behaviour (under development/testing). Any misbehaving program can and will be killed without warning.


Although the entry node can be used to compile your code, if you are compiling extensive code we recommend that you submit a job to one of the  compute nodes to compile it.


If your program is parallelized with OpenMP, always try to use 1 node with the maximum available processors runs for maximum performance.


If your program is parallelized with MPI, always try to use at least 2 nodes, and with maximum available processors per node runs.


Account sharing in Baltasar is strictly forbidden.


Abuse regarding any of these rules may get your account suspended for any amount of time.