Allocation on the Red Espanola de Supercomputacion

Monday, June 25, 2012

The team has been awarded 330,000 core hours with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center as part of the Red Espanola de Supercomputacion for the projects “Impact of Charge and Spin on Black-Hole Collisions” (Grant No. AECT-2012-2-0014) and “Superradiant instabilities in astrophysical systems” (Grant No. AECT-2012-2-0005).

Baltasar cluster is on!

Friday, May 25, 2012


Baltasar “Sete-Sóis” is the main character from José Saramago’s novel “Memorial do Convento” (English title: “Baltasar and Blimunda”). It is a story about dreams, hard work and passion in life and in science; we thought it is also an appropriate nickname name for our dear supercomputer, a machine which is going to be solving the mysteries of Einstein’s equations, our own passion.

Baltasar is part of the “DyBHo” ERC Starting Grant awarded to Prof. Vitor Cardoso, to study and understand dynamical black holes. More details here

Outstanding Teacher award to Cardoso

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Vitor Cardoso was awarded the “outstanding lecturer” award by IST. This distinction is awarded yearly to outstanding faculty members of all the Departments of Instituto Superior Técnico.

Enrico Barausse visit

Monday, May 7, 2012

Enrico Barausse, postdoc in Guelph/Perimeter is visiting for a week and for two seminars, “The Gravitational Self-Force Correction To The Binding Energy Of Compact Binary Systems” and “The evolution of the spins of massive black holes”.

Invited Talk at the APS Meeting

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Research of our team has been presented at the invited talk High-speed black hole collisions with application to trans-Planckian particle scattering at the April Meeting of the American Physical Society.